Welcome to our very first episode of LNXdance with your hosts Marcus Mantilla-Valentin and Mari Vasconez. Take a few minutes to get to know us with a fun icebreaker Q&A.
Brought to you by MotionScoop Dance Corp, LNXdance Podcast is a series of conversations FOR Latinx dancers and educators BY Latinx dancers and educators. Join Mari & Marcus (M&M) as they dive deep into important topics in the dance industry and explore how being part of the Latinx community affects us, our contributions, decisions, and careers. We hope you enjoy our sip and chat, don’t forget to subscribe and leave a comment with what you loved, questions and topics for next time!
Follow us on our Instagram page @LNXdance to interact with us and our community. For business inquiries and to apply to be a guest, please email motionscoopinfo@gmail.com
¡Que comience la fiesta!
Click on the link below to listen